*Application’s will be accepted between August 1, 2019 & August 30, 2019
It is the policy of the City of Sarnia to provide modest financial assistance to not-for-profit, community-based organizations for projects that pro-actively contribute to the strategic priorities of Council as identified in the City’s Strategic Plan. It is recognized that volunteer efforts of community organizations are significant and that Sarnia’s taxpayers cannot fund every worthwhile project. All City of Sarnia grant requests must adhere to the City’s Municipal Grants Policy.
All organizations that are requesting municipal grants from the City of Sarnia’s 2020 budget year are asked to complete the online Municipal Grant Application and provide the required information to the Finance Department by 4:30 pm, Friday, August 30, 2019.
Any interested group who wishes to appear in person before Council to discuss their grant request will be referred to the Public Input and Grant Session to be held November 18, 2019.
For further information, please contact Jane Qi, at 519-332-0330 ext. 3247 or by email at jane.qi@sarnia.ca.
Municipal Grants Policy
Municipal Grants Policy – PDF
Municipal Grant Application
Municipal Grant Application – Project Budget Template
2017-2020 Corporate Strategic Plan