City of Sarnia
Call the City of Sarnia, Public Works BEFORE attempting to clear a blocked sewer. Call 519-344-1932, during regular business hours, or 519-344-8861 Ext. 5263 after hours and holidays.
Know the Danger
Natural gas lines can sometimes intersect with sewer lines (known as a “cross bore”) beyond the outside walls of your home. Therefore, a Sewer Safety Inspection MUST be done to prevent the risk of a gas leak or explosion. For additional information on cross bore safety, please visit
Free Service
A Natural Gas Sewer Safety Inspection is a FREE service provided to the homeowner, and is treated as an emergency call. It is important that you call The City of Sarnia, to have a City representative investigate your sewer back-up BEFORE attempting to clear the blockage.
This page was reviewed or revised on Monday, July 22, 2019 1:38 PM