Please be advised that a public meeting to consider the below-noted application will be held by Sarnia City Council in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, November 18, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.

Persons wishing to speak to this application are requested to notify the City Clerk on or before noon Wednesday, November 13, 2019 in order to be placed on the agenda, although anyone in attendance will be given an opportunity to address Council on this matter.

Official Plan Amendment Application No. 17 is initiated by the City of Sarnia, to update the Water Resources policies of the Sarnia Official Plan to implement the requirements of the Thames-Sydenham and Region Drinking Water Source Protection Plan (2015), the Clean Water Act (2006), and the Lambton County Official Plan (2018).


The proposed amendment would apply City-wide, and for this reason a Key Map is not included.


It is proposed that the Sarnia Official Plan be amended by:

  • Amending a policy to permit a storm water master plan to be prepared as part of the City’s Sanitary Sewer/Wastewater Master Plan,
  • Adding policies respecting land dedications used for storm water management purposes,
  • Adding policies to ensure that the quality and quantity of drinking water supplies are protected by implementing necessary restrictions on development and site alteration,
  • Adding a definition for the term “drinking water threat”,
  • Identifying vulnerable areas where “significant”, “moderate”, and “low” level drinking water threats may occur, and adding policies to ensure the protection of water supplies in these areas,
  • Identifying “Event Based Areas” where the handling and storage of fuel in specified quantities poses a “significant” drinking water threat,
  • Identifying significant threat activities that are prohibited through Prescribed Instruments (i.e. Provincial approvals),
  • Adding policies respecting the requirements for risk management and restricted land uses,
  • Adding study requirements for complete applications,
  • Adding additional policies for municipal initiatives.


For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact the Community Development Services and Standards Department, 3rd Floor, City Hall, at 255 Christina Street North, anytime during business hours from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Tel. 519 332-0330 Ext. 3295) or by email at Additional information is posted on the City’s Community Engagement website at